Monday, April 5, 2010


I still can't believe I've had a migraine headache for about two weeks now! If anyone has any advice on how to get rid of one, I would love to hear about it. They ruin my day and I can't think properly when I have a headache this bad. For example, today at work I walked into the wrong building and I was there for 15 minutes before I realized it. And I'm having a hard time forming complete sentences. I must be pretty funny to talk to. It's a good thing finals will be over after tomorrow for both of us! Then it a few days of working, but mostly relaxing. Then, it's off to Utah for a mimi vaction for me. Hopefully Ryan won't starve.

1 comment:

  1. oh man! Migraines are KILLER!!! I get them all the time. (I don't know if you knew that.) I've never had one last that long though. Sleep usually cured it for me. Then I found out that all I needed to do was find a way to relax. haha So if stress is the main cause. Tell Ryan you HAVE to go to a Spa. :-D
